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Administrators, teachers and educators from the Philippines have traveled to learn the administration system and teaching management.

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2023-11-03 22:23:08

On Wednesday, July 5, 2023, the 23 administrators, teachers and educators from the Philippines have traveled to learn the administration system and teaching management. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Somkiat Kobuakaew led the school administrators to welcome the delegates. This delegates requested to learn the school's management guidelines and to observe the teaching and learning strategies of subject teachers in the classrooms emphasized on active learning by using the modern innovative media in science and mathematics. The Demonstration School divided the delegates into 2 groups to observe M5 science subject taught by Ajarn Chonthicha Genz and M2 mathematics subjects taught by Sunisa Pengmanee. After visiting and observing, the delegates expressed appreciation for the administration system and teaching and learning management of teachers in the classrooms which is considered a study visit this time achieved all objectives