Congratulations to Ms. Athinatda
Lafaerengron, a M.6/6 student in the
English-Chinese program, who has been
selected to study in the Good Children
Have a Place to Study Project, Faculty
of Law, Mae Fah Luang University.
Congratulations to Ms. Athinatda
Lafaerengron, a M.6/6 student in the
English-Chinese program, who has been
selected to study in the Good Children
Have a Place to Study Project, Faculty
of Law, Mae Fah Luang University.

Demonstration School of
Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University would
like to congratulate Ms. Athinadda
Lafaerengron, a Mathayom 6/6 student in
the English-Chinese program, who has
been selected to study in the Good
Children Have a Place to Study Project,
Law Program, Mae Fah Luang
News by: Ajarn
Phochara Wangmee