Home > News > Famous student > Congratulations to Ms. Atcharathip Chaturonwasin (莊美清), a student in the English-Chinese language study plan, academic year 2023, won a 100% Yunnan Provincial Government scholarship for the bachelor's degree level. Academic year 2024
Congratulations to Ms. Atcharathip Chaturonwasin (莊美清), a student in the English-Chinese language study plan, academic year 2023, won a 100% Yunnan Provincial Government scholarship for the bachelor's degree level. Academic year 2024

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2024-07-18 10:53:12

Congratulations to Miss Atcharathip Chaturonwasin (莊美清)

Students planning to study English-Chinese, academic year 2023

Won a 100% Yunnan Provincial Government Scholarship at the undergraduate level. Academic year 2024, Business Administration major Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China 

#Chinese scholarshipSDSSRU

Foreign language subject group