Home > News > SD New > Teacher Pachara Wangmee was invited to be a speaker and organize activities. At the "Festival for children with disabilities, where is best to study? Chiang Mai"
Teacher Pachara Wangmee was invited to be a speaker and organize activities. At the "Festival for children with disabilities, where is best to study? Chiang Mai"

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2023-12-15 22:29:29

On November 21, 2023 from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.  Teacher Pachara Wangmee was invited to be a speaker and organize activities. At the "Festival for children with disabilities, where is best to study?66 Chiang Mai" at Chiang Mai University Auditorium Organized by the Health Promotion Foundation (Thai Health Promotion Foundation) in collaboration with the Rian Together Foundation. Teacher Pachara Wangmee has participated in developing the teaching content in the "What's Good for Children with Disabilities" event for the 4th consecutive year.