Home > News > Famous student > Students participate in a high school law quiz competition at the Faculty of Law. Chulalongkorn University On the occasion of the forensic exhibition Academic year 2023
Students participate in a high school law quiz competition at the Faculty of Law. Chulalongkorn University On the occasion of the forensic exhibition Academic year 2023

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2023-12-13 12:35:05

Saturday, November 4, 2023, 2 students participated in the high school law quiz competition at the Faculty of Law. Chulalongkorn University On the occasion of the forensic exhibition Academic year 2023 as follows:

1. Mr. Suphakit Watcharakamol M.6/1

2. Mr. Ete Kaewpradit M.4/3

With Teacher Wasuthorn being the coordinator and taking students to participate in the competition.