Home > News > Famous student > Mr. Lapthawit Ratchatathamakul (李果伟), student plan English-Chinese Year 2012, received a full 100% Yunnan Provincial Government Scholarship in bachelor's degree
Mr. Lapthawit Ratchatathamakul (李果伟), student plan English-Chinese Year 2012, received a full 100% Yunnan Provincial Government Scholarship in bachelor's degree

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2023-11-03 22:21:31

???? Congratulations to

Mr. Lupthawit Ratchathammangul ( 李 果 伟)

English-Chinese Plan Student 65  

Won 100% of the Yunnan government’s scholarship at the Bachelor’s degree in 2566 at the University of Normal Yunnan, Kunming, Yunnan Province, People’s Republic of China ???? ✨

????# Chinese capital SDSSRU

???? Foreign Language Courses