大家好 invites
you to attend a guidance session on the
language and cultural exchange program
in China, the Chinese exchange special
No HSK test
results required. Study as a bilingual
school in both Chinese and English. Take
the entrance exam and travel in August
2023. Limited to 10 people only.
Can apply from Grade 8 - Grade 12
Special round only
for Demonstration School of Suan
Sunandha Rajabhat University
Sunday, April 2, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. via
with Khun Badin
Expert in studying abroad and Ajarn
Pupae, Scholarship Department,
Demonstration School, Suan Sunandha
Rajabhat University along with answering
all questions
Link zoom
Meeting ID: 875 5324 7378
Passcode: 716684