Home > News > SD New > Congratulations to Master Papangkorn Udomsathien (Nong Korn), a Mattayom 2/2 English Program student, who received the Bronze Medal in English. in the National Academic Skills Examination Competition (NSTDA) around the top of national talent
Congratulations to Master Papangkorn Udomsathien (Nong Korn), a Mattayom 2/2 English Program student, who received the Bronze Medal in English. in the National Academic Skills Examination Competition (NSTDA) around the top of national talent

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2023-03-16 11:27:19

Congratulations to Master Paphangkorn Udomsathien (Nong Korn), a Grade 2/2 English Program student. 

Awarded the Bronze Medal in English.

in the National Academic Skills Examination Competition (NSTDA) around the top of national talent Organized by the National Academic Skills Examination Project Office (NSTDA)