Home > News > SD New > Suan Sunandha Demonstration School Invited to participate in 3 dance performances performed by students of the Demonstration School. in retirement Former executives and civil servants Department of Teacher Training Office of the Rajabhat Institute Council
Suan Sunandha Demonstration School Invited to participate in 3 dance performances performed by students of the Demonstration School. in retirement Former executives and civil servants Department of Teacher Training Office of the Rajabhat Institute Council

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2022-10-28 12:26:49

Suan Sunandha Demonstration School Invited to participate in 3 dance performances performed by students of the Demonstration School. in retirement Former executives and civil servants Department of Teacher Training Office of the Rajabhat Institute Council The performances of the three dances are as follows: 1. Chuichai Retirement 2. Hanuman arrested Suphanmacha and 3. Sheng Tang Wai Supervised by Asst. Prof. Orawattana Niamuthai on Sunday, October 9, 2022 at the meeting room of the Faculty of Science and Technology. Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University