Home > News > SD New > Mr. Methat Wimuttinan, Mathayomsuksa 5/4 , was awarded the title of "runner-up" in Taekwondo, an inter-school sports competition. of the Department of Physical Education Academic year 2022
Mr. Methat Wimuttinan, Mathayomsuksa 5/4 , was awarded the title of "runner-up" in Taekwondo, an inter-school sports competition. of the Department of Physical Education Academic year 2022

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2022-09-16 17:07:48

            Congratulations, Mr. Methat Wimuttinan, a Mathayomsuksa 5/4 student participating in the inter-school sports competition. of the Department of Physical Education Academic year 2022, sports type, Taekwondo, male individual category Under the age of 16 was awarded the title of "Runner-up".  

           School Director,  faculty members and personnel of Demonstration  School congratulations and congratulations to the students. has built a reputation for the school again