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SD SSRU kindly welcome to listen to the specialist speaker on "How to Manage Education in the New Normal Era" by Dr. Kamol Rodklai, Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Education.
SD SSRU kindly welcome to listen to the specialist speaker on "How to Manage Education in the N ...
2021-12-13 10:25:04
School Board Meeting
2021-10-16 11:15:26
Covid-19 vaccine for student
2021-10-16 10:59:49
online guidance Preparing for admission to the Faculty of Veterinary Science
วันที่ 23 ตค. 64 นี้ เวลา 10.00-11.00 น.  อาจารย์ ดร.ภาวิณี รัตนคอน  ได้จัดให้มีแนะแนวออนไ ...
2021-12-13 10:25:04
Archive News